Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Choose a specific characteristic of yourself (it can be a physical Assignment

Choose a specific characteristic of yourself (it can be a physical feature, an ability or a type of behavior) that you believe to have been affected by your environment (physical, social, or both) - Assignment Example I know these seems like the habit picked up by an older generation or by a group of gentlemen but it is a trend being picked up by even the younger generation which prefer it to taking alcohol or smoking the real cigarettes which are more harmful to the health. Ever since my social circle expanded, I have had to attend a few too many social gatherings (the intimate kind with only a few friends or members and not open to the general public). In all these social gatherings, the people I consider my friends or allies smoke these kinds of cigars and I was initially the only odd one out. For a while (months) I resisted the temptation both from the friends and myself to indulge in this behavior but eventually I threw in the towel and started smoking them only because I didn’t want to be left out anymore. The social environment had been the one that enticed me to start the behavior. Had I not been involved in these social gatherings, I would not even have known how to buy a cigar let alone be an expert smoker. The most interesting bit about this behavior is that it happens only when I am in these social meetings but once done, I do not even feel the slightest urge to smoke a cigar. I do not feel left out or a loner anymore and actually a sense of belonging settles in once everyone removes their cigars and starts smoking them even if for only a few minutes (Kirst-Ashman, 2007). Observation is the best research method to find out whether for certain it is the environment that has brought about this behavior in individuals. This research can be conducted among the same circle of friends I have as it is the easier target and data will be collected easily without invading the privacy of most people. Observation can take place outside the social gatherings for example in their offices, homes or in between classes. The observation will not be hard as I interact with these people often in

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Perceptions and Preferences of Students towards e-learning Research Paper

The Perceptions and Preferences of Students towards e-learning assessments in Oman - Research Paper Example   The definition of e-learning has been comprehensively put by Carry and Willis (2001, pg 20) that e-learning processes are whichever forms of learning that applies technological network or computerized technology in knowledge delivery, knowledge facilitation, and interaction. As depicted in an array of literature, of particular interest has been to ascertain the actual implications of e-learning and this has been as largely theorized as debatable. On one hand, as documented by Hall and Snider (2000, pg 95), e-learning process has the potential of cutting across culture while opening doors to new ways of thinking, the sense that it is a delivery vehicle that is ideal for education and learning. Secondly, education systems and institutions should adopt e-learning because it is rich in information. Students can access information at any time, regardless of place. Thirdly, e-learning is a way forward to imparting knowledge to marginalized groups, that is, students with physical disabi lities who have to overcome distance barriers and communication barriers to access education. Fourthly, e-learning is flexible. On the other hand, e-learning has also been ascribed certain fears. As asserted by Johnston, Killion, and Oomen (2005), considering how globalization has drastically reduced the knowledge shelf life, e-learning is not an exceptional subject to related setbacks. One way in which students could meet a demand of non-discrete learning curve is to participate in e-learning while keeping into account the time and place variables of the highly globalized world, yet the e-learning framework does not assure this. Moreover, the processes pertaining to the adoption of e-learning process tends to be more complicated than solely suggesting it depends on the teaching staffs and faculties. As if not enough, how are web-based technologies mainstreamed in the cultural-education context and would it be effective for all faculties? According to Cuellar and Dyrbye (2002), all these points add to its complexity, implying the high chances failure. This division has an implication on the popularity of the e-learning by students. Thus, the question is how popular could be e-learning education and assessments. Ascertaining the popularity of e-learning will go a long way in informing the extent that the policymakers will go in qualifying its necessity. This is because the perceptions of e-learning have an impact on the ease at which e-learning can be adopted (Kook, 1997). Ethical Implications The study does not elicit ethical subject or implications. It touches on the aspect of education and simply entails asking the students perception of the topic area. From another point of view, this does not have any ethical sensitivity point. Research Methodology The most appropriate approach to ascertaining the perception of the students towards the e-learning is by conducting a research. The proposed research would entail a questionnaire to students on how they feel ab out e-learning assessments. The questionnaire was designed. Care is taken to ensure that the questions are as objective as possible while, at the same time, it was designed in a way that will enable the questions to turn away from the fatigue social desirability prejudice.  Ã‚